Saturday, August 28, 2010

when you.... i will....

when you play guitar, i will play the piano...

when you drive the car, i will watch for the direction...

when you walk on a difficult path, i will hold your hands so that you won't fall....

when you are alone, i will accompany you...

when you are left behind, i will wait for you...

when you are crying, i will wipe your tears...

i may not a perfect person for you, but i just wanna be with you...

coz i love you...

Friday, August 27, 2010

mix up

  • people wont appreciate things that they have till they lose it.....
  • sometimes people don't know how to express things in the right way, and they end up hurting others....
  • people will try to make everything looks perfect, but at last end up looking terrible...
  • sometimes people are not allowed to say everything what they want and what they think, coz not everyone could accept it....
  • everyone in this world is different, everyone is special...
  • never ever look down to other person, coz we don't know what will come in the future....
  • every single person in this world has feelings, DONT FORGET THAT...

Thursday, August 12, 2010


kerna itu satu tanggungjawab,

lalu aku tidak boleh melepas tangan sahaja...

aku telah berusaha yang termampu...

kuatkanlah aku Ya Allah...

tingkatkanlah kesabaran di hati ini...

p/s: Ramadhan dtg lagi..................................................
manusia berperang dgn hawa nafsunya sndiri..

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

we may not spend much time together but......

we may not spend much time together but it doesn't mean that we do not love each other....

we may rarely talk but it doesn't mean that we do not miss each other...

people can make assumptions, let them be...
coz we can't control them...

there are things that people don't know....
something good will come soon... InsyaAllah...