Wednesday, March 18, 2009

it comes again..........

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh..........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really want to scream out loud now. i'm tired of hiding out of my feelings. i'm tired of to be fake in front of others. i'm tired of watching them.......
the truth is i still cant forget. everything that they do keeps hurting me. each things that they do will remind me of the past. i always try to just ignore but i cant. i just cant believe it why they are so happy together. i'm not strong enough. i want to go far away from here. i dont want to watch the things that will keep hurting me so much.
i know.... no one would understand. people around me keep saying to just forget those things coz they dont know what i've been going through all these while. my life has change a lot because of him. it's not that easy to just forget and go on. anyway, thanks to all my friends for all the supports. i know i will not survive without them.
i really miss my home. now i know i am not strong enough when i am far away from my family. i still remember what my parents say " x payah la nak bercinta2 time blajar ni." i tend to ignore it and now i have to go through all the pain.
i want to go home........

p/s: i am sorry for being so emotional. i just want to say what i feel......


  1. salam...hmm..well 4 me,i'm not gonna ask 4 u to forget all those things...i understand how u feel..infact,we're almost d same... sbnrny,we should be happy,not being sad for what had happened..why am i saying this?ok...sbnrny,kalo kita benar2 sygkn seseorang,tu bermaksud ape yg pnting bg kita sbnr-benarnya adalah kbahagiaan dia,bkn kbhgiaan kita...kalo kita lbih pntingkn kbhgiaan kita,tu bkn mnyayangi nameny,tp perasaan ingin mmiliki dan mmntingkn diri sndr...just take dis matter dis way...kita dh lepaskn org yg kita syg tu untuk dia cari kbhagiaan dia,dn alhamdulillah dia mnemui seseorg yg insyaAllah terbaik utk dia,malah lbih baik dr ape yg mmpu kita berikan...mmbolehkan dia mndpt kbhagiaan yg dia impikan...bknkh ini yg terbaik utk dia?mnyayangi dan mncintai tdk smstinya bermaksud mmiliki ssorang itu...bersabarlah,insyaAllah,one fine day Allah akn mnemukan kita dgn seseorang yg terbaik utk diri kita...keep on berdoa pd Allah utk yg terbaik utk diri 'dia' dan diri kita..akn sntiasa ade hikmah di atas apepun yg berlaku d skeliling kita,sama ade cpt atau lmbt,masa akn mmbuatkn sgala2ny mnjadi lbih strong,k...insyaAllah,Allah akn sntiasa bersama hambaNYA yg tabah dan sabar ats dugaan yg DIA dtgkn...

  2. hmm....
    anyway, thank you so much for the comment...
